The website informing on sales agent compensation - a service offered by Law Firm Dr. von Göler

This service regarding information on sales agent compensation is offered by Law Firm Dr. von Göler.
The module that serves to calculate the claimable compensation as well as all articles, verdicts and other information are provided for free. All services subject to a fee (like e.g. the provision of legal specialist literature etc.) have been marked as such.

We offer advice for sales agents and their principals

Our law firm offers advice for both, individual sales agencies who strive to exercise their entitlement to commission or sales agent compensation, as well as principals who wish to ward off unjustified claims for commission or compensation. 

Furthermore, we are of course also engaged with many issues that are not related to disputes - such as the structuring of sales organization or sales agency agreements.

Other legal fields

Law Firm Dr. von Göler is specialized on commercial law. However, we do not only offer advice on business law but also with respect to trademark law, i.e. industrial property protection, and to corporate law (M&A, recapitalization).

For more information, please visit: sales agents’ attorney - law.